
I am a human who struggles with many things.  Anxiety, yup!  Chronic pain, uh-huh. Negative Self-talk, you betcha.  Migraines, bouts of depression, and a little bit (okay, a lot) of denial mixed in makes for some trying times.  I am, however, currently in a state of transformation.  I have tried for so long to push and strive, in the pursuit of happiness only for “it” to allude me.   I have come to realize, out of crisis, how to stop this cycle…I must be.  And so in my attempt to become whole, I write, to create and validate my experiences and interactions with this world.  All I know is with each word the anxiety subsides and I get a little closer to being. Being at peace, being present, being here now.



  1. When I read this, I was reminded of a book by Dr Spencer Johnson called, “The Precious Present.” After reading it, I ordered several books and gave them to my kids, my friends, people who I believed would benefit from this enlightened story. Check it out Sarah. I think you’ll like it.

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